Monday, 11 July 2011

Plate spinning . . .

It's been a funny kind of week.

The schools are on holiday but we have had thunderstorms and torrential rain (more rain in one week than we usually suffer in a month). Don't get me wrong – I'm Scottish and no namby-pamby when it comes to the weather – but it's JULY!

Anyway, I'm trying to do a bit of everything – trying to fit in some work with kids at home and trying to do some fun things too.

In the limited time I've have for work I've been making some adjustments to a custom pattern for an underbust and making a revise toile. Generally the first draft was a good shape and fit but I'd underestimated for top edge squish. It's fixed now. I've agreed with the customer on the overall shaping but fabric and details are still up for grabs. She is a steampunk enthusiast so we'll have to wait and see . . .

While out and about I was mugged by some more fab fabric. I know it's getting late in the season to still be thinking summer stripes but I'm a stripe-a-holic and any season is good for me! I'm thinking circus and deckchairs. Happy!

Tuesday, 5 July 2011


Hi, this is my first ever blog, hence 'beginnings' so please bear with me while I figure out what I'm doing.

I'm hoping that this will be a bit of a crafty blog, sharing some details of what I make and how I make it. I've not been taking photos as I make yet so for a first posting here's a little bit of what I've been doing this week so far . . .

I've been experimenting with cording and fan-lacing and decided to just jump in at the deep end and use both on one corset. It's a cute little self-patterned corset waist in crisp white coutil with black lacing (pure drama). I've not managed to get great photos yet but here are some sneak previews.

During the making of this corset I was distracted by this fabulous pom pom flower fabric. I had to have it! Here it is all washed, pressed and ready to go.

Later . . .

I managed to persuade daughter no. 2 to put it over her shoulder while I took a quick snapshot. The style is a variation on an existing pattern I have and I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Proper pics tomorrow and off to Etsy with it!

Bye for now.